Drive speed and efficiency with our case resolution services
Perfected Claims’ assists law firms with delivering timely justice for claimants in mass tort cases. We facilitate post settlement solutions to ensure a smooth claims process to satisfy clients and achieve profitable outcomes.
We’re simplifying post-settlement support.
Complex mass tort cases can take years to resolve in the courts — but extensive post-settlement processes can lengthen the justice timeline. With each passing year, law firms play the waiting game as they work through numerous procedural steps before collecting legal fees or settlement proceeds.

At Perfected Claims, we provide seamless post-settlement support to minimize administrative or distribution delays. We partner with leading settlement administrators to provide centralized claims administration, settlement administration, lien resolution, and fund disbursement services, ensuring continuous engagement with clients until the case is closed.

By providing efficient coordination throughout settlement resolution, we enable our law firm partners to overcome time hurdles and achieve high client satisfaction — with optimal financial outcomes.
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Explore our range of post-settlement services
We work with the best post-settlement funding companies to provide law firms with unparalleled support throughout each step of the case resolution process.
Claims administration
Perfected Claims is your solution for streamlining the entire claims process. We efficiently collect, review, and process claims — ensuring every document is ready to be submitted within the designated timeframe.
Settlement administration
Our team ensures that all allocations, award notices, and executed settlement releases are handled with care. We also regularly inform clients throughout the settlement process so they always know what steps to take next.
Lien administration
We coordinate the resolution of any outstanding liens or obligations that could hamper settlement funds. Relying on industry experts, we conduct thorough research and negotiations to minimize lien amounts and prompt resolution.
Settlement fund administration
Our team provides comprehensive fund administration support, overseeing the disbursement and management of settlement funds. Through transparent reporting and coordination practices, we ensure the proper handling of funds in accordance with the settlement guidelines.
Avoid costly procedural delays
From handling claims documents to settlement notices, our seamless post-settlement solutions ensure every box is checked to expedite the claims process.
Keep clients informed and engaged
With case resolution coordination from Perfected Claims, law firms no longer need to worry about clients getting lost in the fray. From case acquisition through to case resolution, we provide continuous client engagement until the case is closed.
Finalize settlement awards faster
By taking post-settlement coordination off law firms’ plates, our partners can focus on achieving a successful closing — speeding up the payment timeline.
Avoid costly procedural delays
From handling claims documents to settlement notices, our seamless post-settlement solutions ensure every box is checked to expedite the claims process.
Simplify complex lien resolution
Maximize legal settlements with Perfected Claims’ lien resolution services. Our team facilitates the research and negotiations necessary to reach a swift resolution.
Finalize settlement awards faster
By taking post-settlement coordination off law firms’ plates, our partners can focus on achieving a successful closing — speeding up the payment timeline.
Explore other solutions we offer
Perfected Claims provides other solution services to advance mass tort cases with confidence.
Case Acquisition
Prioritize high-quality leads with our ethical and personalized in-house marketing campaigns.
Custom audience profiles
Elevated creative campaigns
Lead management
Performance reporting
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Case Development
Remove administrative burden with a dedicated team overseeing every stage of the litigation lifecycle.
Intake qualification
Case discovery
Plaintiff form fulfillment
Client engagement
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