Avoid fallout with Perfected Claims’ streamlined case development solutions
Alleviate administrative burden with sophisticated tort support. Our dedicated client operations team leverages technology and tort expertise to infuse efficiency into every stage of the litigation journey, driving maximum profitability.
Forget about a fragmented client journey.
Qualifying plaintiffs is crucial for building stronger, more efficient mass tort cases. Yet, gathering evidence and keeping clients engaged puts extraordinary pressure on law firm staff. Using outdated technology or outsourcing tasks to multiple vendors only leads to costly fragmentation.

Choose a partner that does it all. Perfected Claims’ case management solutions blend technology with a personal touch to deliver litigation efficiency. Our proven process streamlines case development from intake to settlement, ensuring claimants and lead counsel always know where cases stand.

With our dedicated case analysts and custom-built Perfected Platform guiding the way, law firms can avoid fallout by providing every mass tort case with a firm foundation.
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Discover our seamless case development solutions
Qualifying plaintiffs lays the foundation for a strong case. Discover how we blend technology with the human touch to streamline the entire case development process for optimal efficiency.
Robust intake qualification
We provide multiple avenues to ensure leads meet the necessary qualifications to become clients, including through identity verification and an intake questionnaire, quickly flagging any obstructions that could hamper the case.
Welcoming client onboarding and engagement
To establish trust with newly signed clients, we’ve developed a welcoming onboarding process. We provide clear steps for information gathering and access to our client portal, so clients always know what to do next. With continuous engagement, we’re setting the tone for a positive litigation journey.
Time-sensitive medical records retrieval and review
We expeditiously obtain record sets for every qualified client. We then connect retrieved records to our review platform and create accurate chronologies, summaries, and recommendations for our law firm partners, capturing all necessary information to optimize clients’ settlement awards.
Comprehensive plaintiff form fulfillment
Our team is on hand to facilitate the completion of each Plaintiff Fact Sheet, ensuring all form sections accurately reflect personal information, medical history, and details about injury or exposure, to meet court requirements and resolve any deficiencies efficiently.
Expert project management
Our dedicated project management team alleviates administrative burden by overseeing every stage of the litigation lifecycle for optimal efficiency. We’re equipped with the skills, tools, and experience to provide strategic analytics, clear communication, and regular reporting — creating transparency among all stakeholders.
Transparent analytics and reporting
Our Litigator Portal offers law firms a clear window into case information to enable litigation preparations with ease. Additionally, our project managers will provide regular reporting and dialogue every step of the way to keep our partners informed about case progress, obstacles, and trends during case maturity.
Streamline onboarding with dedicated case analysts
Learn how Perfected Claims builds empathy and trust right from the beginning — setting the tone for a successful client engagement.
Gain a 360° view of case status with innovative technology
Our custom-built enterprise platform streamlines the records retrieval and review process, enabling law firms to capture decisive information and lay the groundwork for a strong case.
Avoid case stalling and fallout with a seamless client journey
Learn how Perfected Claims builds empathy and trust right from the beginning — setting the tone for a successful client engagement.
Streamline onboarding with dedicated case analysts
Learn how Perfected Claims builds empathy and trust right from the beginning — setting the tone for a successful client engagement.
Gain a 360° view of case status with innovative technology
Our custom-built enterprise platform streamlines the records retrieval and review process, enabling law firms to capture decisive information and lay the groundwork for a strong case.
Avoid case stalling and fallout with a seamless client journey
Learn how Perfected Claims builds empathy and trust right from the beginning — setting the tone for a successful client engagement.
Explore other solutions we offer
Perfected Claims provides other solution services to advance mass tort cases with confidence.
Case Acquisition
Prioritize high-quality leads with our ethical and personalized in-house marketing campaigns.
Custom audience profiles
Elevated creative campaigns
Lead management
Performance reporting
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Case Resolution
Achieve due justice and compensation with frictionless support along the payment chain.
Claims administration
Settlement administration
Lien administration
Settlement fund administration
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